Arya Samaj Marriage in Delhi – 9289321836 – Call For Info.

Hello, are you looking for an Arya Samaj Marriage in Delhi, Delhi, India? Don’t worry we help you book Arya Samaj Mandir in Delhi for Arya Samaj’s Marriage. Here we guide you through the Arya Samaj marriage process in Delhi, the documents required, photographs, and Arya Samaj marriage certificate, as well as informing you about the Arya Samaj Marriage Fees incurred during the Arya Samaj wedding rituals in Delhi. for Arya Samaj’s marriage in Delhi. read all the details below!

What is Arya Samaj in Delhi?

What is Arya Samaj

Arya Samaj in Delhi is a branch of the Arya Samaj movement located in Delhi, Delhi, India. It was founded by Swami Dayananda Saraswati on April 10, 1875, in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay).

The Arya Samaj promotes the Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures, which focus on rational thinking, religious tolerance, social equality, and individual freedom. The movement has played a role in modernising Indian society through education reforms, women empowerment, anti-caste movements, and promotion of the Hindi language. In Delhi, Arya Samaj Mandirs are where couples can have their samaj marriages following Arya Samaj customs. Here in Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi, they provide services like Arya Samaj Marriage, Vedic puja, vedic havan, and inter-caste Marriage.

How To Book Arya Samaj Marriage in Delhi?

Here we mentioned the Booking Process for an Arya Samaj marriage in Delhi Step By Step Below:

  1. Find the nearest Arya Samaj Mandir in Delhi: Search online maps or directories to find out which locations house registered Arya Samaj centers near your residence in Delhi. Or call this Contact Number (9289321836) and such address, and email ID ([email protected]) should be easily available.
  2. Visit Arya Samaj Mandir: Once you have identified the nearby Arya Samaj Mandir, visit them either physically or virtually depending on their availability. Speak with the Pandit ji at Arya Samaj Mandir regarding marriage arrangements. Provide necessary personal details like names, date & time of marriage, and other required credentials.
  3. Confirmation of Date & Time: After assessing your request, the Panditji will confirm the date, timing, and location for your marriage ceremony based on the availability of the Arya Samaj Mandir. It would also involve checking if any extra charges apply apart from the initial booking fee.
  4. Prepare Documents: Complete all legal paperwork related to your marriage, such as birth certificates, identity proof, address proof, passport-size photos, and affidavits signed by both parties. Some mandatory documents include a Certificate of Marriage Registration issued previously from another country/state under certain conditions, a divorce decree copy, Death certificate of the previous spouse(s).
  5. Pay Fees: As per Arya Samaj’s rules, payment of nominal fees must be made beforehand while booking the marriage hall or marriage. This amount covers various administrative expenses involved in conducting weddings at Arya Samaj Mandirs. Please check with Mandir authorities for accurate fees.
  6. Marriage Procedure: The actual marriage ceremony follows traditional Arya Samaj rituals performed by the panditji present at the Mandir. This includes exchanging vows, performing mantras, and consummating marriage after receiving blessings from elders and family members. Photography services may be arranged separately. Mandir officials manage post-marriage formalities, such as registration of marriage certificates and distribution of sweets.
  7. Collect the Marriage Certificate: Obtain certified copies of the marriage certificate after completing the procedures outlined above. These copies serve as legal proof of marriage registered with the Government authorities. Remember to preserve one original copy safely for future reference.

So, this was the process for booking Arya Samaj Marriage in Delhi for your area Samaj Mandir Marriage. If you still have a few questions in your mind please contact us on the contact number which we provide on this page.

Arya Samaj Marriage Procedure in Delhi

Arya Samaj Marriage Procedure

In Delhi, couples must prepare and gather necessary documents for an Arya Samaj marriage. This includes age, address, and identity proofs, as well as affidavits confirming their non-relationship within prohibited degrees. Contacting the Arya Samaj Mandir can be done through phone, email, or in-person visit to confirm ceremony details and schedule. Some mandirs may require pre-marital counseling, so it is important to inquire about any such prerequisites. On the chosen date, couples arrive at the mandir with witnesses and documents to start the ceremony. Led by a priest, the rituals follow Arya Samaj traditions, including Vedic mantras, garland exchange, vows, and lighting the sacred fire. After declaring consent and signing the marriage certificate, couples receive it from the mandir. This certificate may need to be legally registered with local authorities for official recognition. It is important to communicate with the Arya Samaj Mandir to understand any specific requirements or procedures they may have.

Arya Samaj Marriage in Delhi typically of seven stages

  1. The first step in the Vivah Sangrah process is to fill out the application form. Both the bride and groom must provide accurate information and submit the form to the Mandir authorities. The form includes details such as names, addresses, occupations, and family information. They are also required to provide personal affirmations stating their willingness to marry freely and without coercion.
  2. Before the wedding, the couple visits the temple with their families to perform puja and have mantras recited by the priest. They promise mutual respect, honesty, and loyalty in front of God, taking an oath to follow the principles of Arya Samaj.
  3. The declaration of intent is a public statement made by the Bride and Groom at the Mandir, expressing their desire to marry and seek blessings from their friends and family by Arya Samaj principles.
  4. The exchange of rings takes place as a symbol of their commitment. The bride gives her ring to the groom, and vice versa. Guests around them sing songs of joy and happiness during this moment.
  5. During the Fire Ceremony, the couple stands next to a sacred fire symbolizing God and completes seven rounds known as ‘Saat Phere’, expressing their commitment to lifelong companionship, love, support, and care for each other. Each round signifies a specific vow or promise they are making to each other.
  6. Prayer and Final Blessings: Following seven rounds, the couple sits before God, offering gratitude and prayers. The priest blesses the couple, wishing them a joyful and prosperous married life.
  7. After completing all necessary rituals, a marriage certificate is issued by the Mandir, stating the names of the bride and groom, as well as the place and date of the marriage. The couple then must have this certificate attested by a Gazetted Officer before submitting it to the relevant authority for marriage registration.

Legal Requirements for Arya Samaj Marriage in Delhi?

Requirements for Arya Samaj Marriage

The Arya Samaj wedding Delhi services include love marriages, arranged marriages, inter-caste marriages,ย  etc. However, the following are the basic rules to be eligible for Arya Samaj Marriage.

  1. The legal age for a boy to get married according to the Arya Samaj Wedding Act is 21 years. And that a girl should be more than 18 years old.
  2. You can also perform Inter-caste marriages and Love marriages as Arya Samaj weddings.

What should you bring on the wedding day?

  1. ID proof
  2. Birth proof
  3. Photographs
  4. Witnesses


  • Both those who are married have to bring two sets of Xerox along with their original document. And 4 extra Xerox copies of the Aadhar card are also required.
  • You will also need to present witnesses. They are required to bring their ID proof and two Xerox copies of it.
  • Prior information should be provided if both, or any of them are to be married, or any of them is divorced or widower. Apart from all the documents mentioned above, they will have to separately provide the certificate of divorce or widower.
  • In the case, that the citizenship of either one is not Indian or the religion of either of them is not Hindu, please give this information before registration.
  • If the Religion of either of them is not Hindu, then it is also required to inform you before registration.ย  The Arya Samaj provides for the process of marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, in which both are mandatory to be Hindu.
  • If you are taking a photo taken at the time of marriage, then it is a good thing that the arrangement of the photographer will be done on your behalf.
  • If you want to get married in simple clothes, you can still do it, but if you want to wear special wedding dresses then you will be provided with the changing room facility in Arya Samaj Mandir.

Puja Samagri-

The list of pooja material given below will be brought with you on the day of marriage-

  1. Two varmala and some loose flowers.
  2. 2.5-meter Pink fabric for Gathbandh.
  3. 1 kg of sweets.
  4. Mangalasutras.

Important Documents For Arya Samaj Marriage

Important Documents For Arya Samaj Marriage

The publicly available data provides various documents that are required for an Arya Samaj marriage, including primary documents, proof of age, address proof, and additional documents such as photographs, marriage invitation cards, and affidavits. The required documents include voter ID, driver’s license, Aadhar card, bank passbook, passport, and others:

  • Age Proof: Documents such as birth certificate, passport, or school leaving certificate to verify the age of both the bride and groom.
  • Identity Proof: Valid photo identification documents like an Aadhar card, passport, voter ID card, or driver’s license.
  • Address Proof: Documents showing the residential address of both parties, such as Aadhar card, passport, utility bills, or rental agreement.
  • Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs of the bride and groom.
  • Affidavits: Affidavits stating that both parties are not related within prohibited degrees of relationships, such as siblings or close relatives. This is to ensure compliance with legal requirements.
  • Witnesses: Depending on the Arya Samaj Mandir’s regulations, one or two witnesses may be required. They must carry their identification documents as well.

It’s important to verify with the Arya Samaj Mandir in Delhi regarding the specific documents they require and any additional requirements they might have.

Arya Samaj Marriage Costs and Registration in Delhi

The costs and registration process for an Arya Samaj marriage in Delhi can vary depending on several factors, including the Arya Samaj Mandir you choose and any additional services you opt for. But the basic range for Arya Samaj marriage in Delhi is โ‚น 5000 to 10000!

Optional services like photography, videography, and floral arrangements may come with an extra cost. Donations to the Arya Samaj Mandir are not mandatory but can be given as a gesture of appreciation. Couples receive a marriage certificate from the Arya Samaj Mandir after the ceremony, which serves as proof of marriage. However, for legal recognition, the marriage must be registered with the appropriate government office in Delhi, like the Sub-Divisional Magistrate’s office or Registrar of Marriages. Registration fees are applicable, and couples need to submit the necessary documents along with the marriage certificate from the Arya Samaj Mandir. It’s recommended to consult with the selected Arya Samaj Mandir for detailed cost information and guidance on the registration process to comply with local regulations.

Advantages & Benefits of Arya Samaj Marriage

Advantages & Benefits of Arya Samaj Marriage

Arya Samaj marriages are appealing for couples looking for a meaningful and legally recognised union. They focus on simplicity and sacred elements over extravagant displays. These marriages are held at Arya Samaj Mandirs and are more affordable than traditional weddings. They are legally recognized in India and couples receive a marriage certificate.

Arya Samaj marriages promote equality, empowerment, and gender equality, welcoming people from all backgrounds. They discourage practices like dowry and are rooted in Vedic traditions. Couples can personalize their ceremony while maintaining its essence. Arya Samaj Mandirs offers support and counseling throughout the marriage process. Overall, Arya Samaj’s marriages combine tradition, simplicity, and equality for a deeply meaningful and inclusive marital union.

What Are The Arya Samaj Marriage Rituals?

Arya Samaj marriage rituals are rooted in Vedic traditions and are characterized by their simplicity and spiritual significance. While the specific rituals may vary slightly depending on the Arya Samaj Mandir and regional customs, the core elements typically include:

  1. Invocation (Prarthana): The ceremony begins with prayers and invocations to seek blessings from the divine for the couple’s union.
  2. Ganesh Puja: Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, is invoked to ensure a smooth and auspicious beginning to the marriage ceremony.
  3. Madhuparka: The groom is welcomed with honey and curd, symbolizing sweetness and purity, respectively. This ritual signifies the warm reception of the groom into the bride’s family.
  4. Kanyadaan: The father or guardian of the bride ceremonially gives away the bride to the groom, symbolizing the transfer of responsibility and care from her family to her husband.
  5. Saptapadi (Seven Steps): The couple takes seven steps together around the sacred fire (agni), each step accompanied by vows (sankalpas) representing various aspects of married life, such as loyalty, mutual respect, and prosperity.
  6. Mangal Fera: The bride and groom walk around the sacred fire (agni) four times, symbolizing the four goals of life: Dharma (duty), Artha (prosperity), Kama (desires), and Moksha (liberation).
  7. Havan (Fire Ritual): Offerings are made into the sacred fire (agni) accompanied by the chanting of Vedic mantras, invoking divine blessings for the couple’s marital life.
  8. Exchange of Garlands (Varmala): The bride and groom exchange floral garlands as a symbol of acceptance and mutual respect.
  9. Mangalsutra and Sindoor Ceremony: The groom adorns the bride with a mangalsutra (sacred necklace) and applies sindoor (vermilion) to her hair parting, symbolizing her marital status and his commitment to her.
  10. Pronouncement of Marriage: The officiating priest declares the couple as husband and wife, and they seek blessings from the assembled guests and elders.

These rituals, deeply rooted in ancient Vedic customs, emphasize the sacredness of marriage and the commitments made by the couple to each other and their families.

Importance of Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate

The Arya Samaj marriage certificate is legally recognized under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, ensuring the couple’s union is valid. It serves as proof of the marriage, symbolising the sacred bond formed during the ceremony. The certificate is essential for legal purposes in India, such as passport applications and spousal benefits. It is also needed for updating marital status on official documents like Aadhaar cards and voter IDs. The process of obtaining the certificate is simple and avoids unnecessary extravagance. Overall, the Arya Samaj marriage certificate is important for legal recognition and assures a valid union.

People also ask:-

Q: What is Arya Samaj Marriage?

Ans: Arya Samaj Marriage is a ceremony conducted according to the principles and rituals outlined by the Arya Samaj movement. It emphasizes Vedic chants and rituals, focusing on the sacredness of marriage and aiming for simplicity, sincerity, and adherence to Vedic teachings.

Q: is arya samaj marriage valid?

Ans: Yes, an Arya Samaj Marriage is considered valid and legally binding under Indian Law. It conforms to the Hindu Marriage Act, of 1955, and is recognised by the Indian Constitution.

Q: How to book arya samaj marriage?

Ans: To book an Arya Samaj marriage, you can discuss your plan with the Arya Samaj officials by calling the provided numbers. After discussing, you can book the appropriate day for the marriage either online by filling out the online Marriage Booking Form, in person at the Arya Samaj Mandir or by booking the premises on the phone.

Q: What is The Cost of an arya samaj marriage in Delhi?

Ans: The cost of an Arya Samaj marriage in Bangalore ranges between Rs. 6000 to Rs. 12000, depending on the place and procedure of marriage registration. Arya Samaj marriage is much more economical than a court marriage or a civil marriage, as it requires fewer documents and formalities.

Q: is arya samaj marriage legal?

Ans: Yes, an Arya Samaj Marriage is considered valid and legally binding under Indian Law. It conforms to the Hindu Marriage Act, of 1955, and is recognized by the Indian Constitution.

Q: is Arya Samaj’s marriage certificate valid for a visa?

Ans: Yes, an Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate can be considered as one of the valid documents when applying for a visa in certain countries. Generally, authorities accept marriage certificates issued by registered institutions, and if the marriage is deemed valid by the issuing country’s laws, then an Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate would most likely qualify as well.

Q: How much time take for an arya samaj marriage?

Ans: The duration of an Arya Samaj marriage ceremony varies depending on factors such as location, the complexity of rituals involved, size of the gathering, and other customary aspects. On average, an Arya Samaj marriage ceremony lasting around 45 minutes to 1 hour is commonplace.

Arya Samaj Mandir Delhi Contact Details

  • Contact Number:- 9289321836
  • Email Address:- [email protected]
  • Address:- ๐—”๐—ฟ๐˜†๐—ฎ ๐—ฆ๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—ท ๐— ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ฟ- Delhi, A 54 A, Harit Vihar, Sant Nagar, Burari, Delhi, North Delhi, Delhi 110084
  • Calling Time:- 08:00 AM – 09:00 PM

Important Note For This Page Information

Note: We are not an official Arya Samaj marriage organisation we are Arya Samaj marriage promoters we have Arya Samaj mandir where we provide Arya Samaj marriage, Arya Samaj pandit ji, pandit for puja, pandit for marriage, vedic pandit ji and pandit for last rites Services. the information on this page is provided after research on Google and other research platforms. If you find something wrong information on this page, then please let us know at the contact number we will fix that. If you still have something else to ask please do contact us given number. Thank You!

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At Arya Samaj Marriage Delhi Organisation, we aim to facilitate meaningful unions based on the traditions of the Arya Samaj philosophy. We offer a Special Offer with affordable rates and exemplary pandits for your wedding. Our team ensures adherence to Arya Samaj customs, whether for a large gathering or an intimate ceremony. Choose us for a happy and harmonious experience on your big day. Contact us now to take advantage of our Special Offer.

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